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Saturday, August 29, 2015

What a week!!!

Hey every jammer!!! Dolphinrider8910 here, telling you about her EXCITING week.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Catch-up #2 (lolz)

                      Hello again sorry we haven't posted in a while here are some new things:
* Llamas are new in the diamond shop

* The new Cloud Party

* Pet bees and bee related items

* New clothing

* The Jammer Wall

* Sky Den, Bouncy House Den

* Snow Leopards are back

*Lynxes are coming soon

*New adventure: Graham's Workshop

*New AJ app: Play Wild (currently available for iPods and iPads

*The achievement button is now seen where you change the look of your animal

                                         That's all for now and don't forget to JAM ON!!!


Sunday, August 9, 2015

Wolf's Update For You to Enjoy #1

   Hola senors and senoritas! Thank you for choosing this blog, where all of Animal Jam can be written about by the authors! I am Wolf331010 on AJ, so look me up, PLEASE. I am an author to this blog, and I don't have much blogging experience, so please help me out with tips in the comments.