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Tuesday, January 19, 2016

I got an Art Plague!!!, and a random spoiler

        Ciáo and happy new year! I have a special announcement! I got an art plaque! Now-a-days, AJHQ doesn't jam-a-gram you that you got a art, howl, or a jammer news plaque, they just give it to you like they do when you enter a code. You won't believe it, but they messed up my animal name for my bunny that I was playing as when I entered it in. So, I edited it.

                                                                       Before edit:

                                                                         After edit:

Anyways,... here is a picture of me (as the same bunny that I entered in the contest) in my den with the art plaque. (P.S. the animal that's coming out soon is the GOAT):

                                                      As always, don't forget to JAM ON!!!

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