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Thursday, April 7, 2016

Blog Updates!

Ciáo every jammer!!! I hope that you've noticed that I've updated the look of the blog! Here is a so you don't have to look for yourself (but you can still look for yorself if you want to):

((Random thing, this photo below is an "ad" that I made on Canva)

  1. Drop Down: easier for you to find stuff
  2. Time: if you haven't visited for a while, or its your first time here
  3. Disqus: I updated the commenting system
  4. Picture transparency: it looks like you can click on them when you hover the mouse over it
  5. Link to Animal Jam!: click the "play" icon to get to Animal Jam's Home Page
There might be more updates to Animal Jam Treasure, but I will listen to YOU! Your comments will help me decide what to update next! If more than one person suggests the same thing, I will put in the next blog update post how many people suggested that thing.

This is Dolphinrider8910 here saying as always, don't forget to JAM ON!!!!

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